Plant performance recovery through management best practices

Context and objectives

  • A French plant with low performance (OEE production scheduling adherence, absenteeism rate, …). Moreover, the plant needs to change its business model by doubling the number of product references.
  • A Spanish plant whose performance ranking has progressively slipped and with a weak continuous improvement culture. 
  • The Industrial Directors of those plants expect and require a higher level of performance as well as a better continuous improvement culture.


  • 2 plants in Consumer Goods and Luxury sectors with 600 staff each


12 to 18 months local approach adapted to the cultural and organizational specificities of each plant:

  • For the French plant, 3 improvement levers:
    • Short terms workshops to deliver quick wins on productivity and to reduce waste 
    • Cross-domain process optimization (production planning and supply)
    • Management and recognition system improvement
  • For the Spanish Team, a focus on management processes and improvement culture 
    • Diagnosis of the management 
    • Implementation of new management and HR processes


  • Industrial added value increase +30 % after 5 years of the French plant with a stock level reduction of 40%
  • Special Quality Management Group Reward for the french plant manager. The plant stayed many years as a showcase site for the Group. New management Best Practices had inspired a worldwide Group HR Program.
  • Remarkable performance recovery that propelled the Spanish plant at a leading position among the 40 plants of the Group